Could you please enable the redirection of users to our own GDPR – Privacy Policy URL instead of Charla’s? What is the benefit of concealing the Charla logo if it redirects users to a Charla page? Thank you.
Enable the agent to switch the status from closed to open, as currently, once the chat is closed, there is no method available for the agent to reopen it.
Please adjust the cursor position so that when a user opens the chat widget, it automatically goes to the “Type here” field.
Enable push notifications for the widget to receive updates such as news, latest features, etc., along with images.
I’ve just embedded a YouTube video in the article, and it did not show up to the client.
It would be great if you could align the tags horizontally, similar to the article button. that’s how it should look like, like all other major chat platforms. Thanks
Once the chat session is closed, the user should receive a rating notification. Currently, when we end the chat, nothing happens. Yes they can click the review button on the top right corner, but they should get some kind of
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GDPR – Privacy Policy URL
NAGGDPR – Privacy Policy URL
YehiaAgent : Chat status
NAGIntegration with WhatsApp
YehiaQuick responses